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Why a Combi Oven is a Must-Have in Your Restaurant Kitchen

Why a Combi Oven is a Must-Have in Your Restaurant Kitchen


In the hustle and bustle of a modern-day restaurant kitchen, efficiency and versatility are paramount. Leading the pack of essential kitchen appliances is the combi oven. Brands like Unox and Rational have redefined the culinary landscape with their advanced oven technologies. Here's why every Australian restaurant kitchen should consider investing in a combi oven.


Types of Combi Ovens

Boiler-based Combi Ovens

These generate steam using a boiler and are known for rapid steam production, making them ideal for kitchens requiring ample steamed dishes.

Boilerless Combi Ovens

These produce steam by spraying water onto a heated surface, offering simplicity and lesser maintenance.

Mini Combi Ovens

Compact versions perfect for establishments with space constraints.


    Leading Brands: Spotlight on Unox and Rational


    Renowned for its innovative approach, Unox offers a wide range of combi ovens tailored to diverse culinary needs. Their commitment to research and development ensures energy efficiency, consistent results, and user-friendly interfaces. Check out their website for their latest line-up of models and their unique features.


    A stalwart in the industry, Rational's combi ovens are the epitome of German precision and reliability. Known for their self-cooking centres and innovative features, Rational ovens offer a blend of efficiency and precision that many chefs swear by. Visit their product range for a closer look at what they offer.


    Benefits of a Combi Oven in Your Restaurant Kitchen

    • Versatility: The 3-in-1 functionality, whether roasting, baking, or steaming, allows chefs to streamline multiple processes.
    • Consistency: With advanced technology, especially seen in Unox and Rational ovens, uniform results are a guarantee.
    • Faster Cooking Times: Steam and convection heat combination expedites the cooking process.
    • Enhanced Food Quality: Food retains its natural juices, nutrients, colour, and texture.
    • Space-Saving: Consolidate the functions of various appliances into one.
    • Energy Efficiency: Modern designs ensure reduced energy consumption, a key feature highlighted by brands like Unox.
    • Ease of Use: Programmable settings mean precision without constant checks. Rational's self-cooking centres are a testament to this benefit.
    • Reduced Shrinkage: The steam function ensures minimal moisture loss, translating to savings.
    • Improved Safety: With controlled steam release and reduced drying risks.
    • Easy Cleaning: Self-cleaning capabilities save time and reduce chemical usage. Both Unox and Rational offer models with this feature, ensuring hygienic operations.


    In Conclusion

    A combi oven, especially from trusted brands like Unox and Rational, is not just an enhancement but a necessity in a contemporary restaurant setting. For perfection and efficiency in every dish, the combi oven is an investment that every Australian restaurant should consider. Dive deeper into the offerings from Unox and Rational to find the perfect fit for your kitchen.